We’ve Gone Postal and We Want Your Direct Mail Business!

Direct mail is now a service we offer 100% in-house here at Searles Graphics, and we're coming for your business!

Investing in our customers and our business has always been our top priority. Every move we make here is an attempt to somehow provide more value to our clients than you will find anywhere else. That’s why I’m happy to announce our most recent investment in our direct mail capabilities.

We’ve offered a limited amount of mailing services to our clients for a number years now. Most of these were for EDDM and saturation mailings and we helped you to organize anything more complex than that with third party vendors. Last week, however, we installed a new addressing system to complete our service offerings for direct mail and we’re happy to announce that we’re now a USPS certified Full Service Intelligent Mail Service Provider!

What does that mean? It means we can handle any of your direct mail needs completely in-house here at Searles Graphics from now on. In just our first two weeks up and running we’ll already have processed well over 100,000 mail pieces, and that’s just the beginning!

Why are we doubling down on direct mail in this age of technology and digital marketing? Anybody that’s spent any time talking about business or marketing with me or follows this blog knows that I’m a huge fan of direct mail marketing right now. There is such a huge opportunity in print and direct mail for small businesses right now; opportunity that hasn’t existed in those mediums in a long time. As more and more stragglers finally get caught up on their digital marketing efforts, there is a gaping hole in direct mail and print that your business should be filling.

With that, we’re ready to help you design and implement a direct mail strategy that complements the rest of your print, search, video, and social marketing campaigns (we can help with those too, you know 😉 and drives more revenue for your organization.

As always, use whatever method you prefer to get in touch with me (Twitter, Instagram, email … ) or click here to contact us so we can talk about how we can bring value to your organization.


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